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Tomorrow's energy


Nowadays news reports of energy price continuously rising and pollution reaching levels not anymore sustainable even in developing countries (like China for example).

First effects of a partial change of energy sources, swapping from oil to bio fuels (bio ethanol or bio diesel from oilseed rape) have been the reduction of availability and cost increase of various commodities, also used for human and animal feed.

Investment planning and more long-term certainties are crucial not only for governments, responsible of long-term strategies, but also for energy producers and farmers.

In fact agriculture shows itself as compelling source of renewable energy, starting from crops, sun, soil and careful use of water.

Moveo is engaged also in this area tied to farming world and can offer various services for farmers, food industries and energy producers.
Some examples of consulting are:

  • Economic analysis and business plan for photovoltaic, hydroelectric, bio gas generation stations.
  • Consulting for public subsidies or incentives to produce renewable energy.

  • Supplying plan for bio fuel industries

Do you like to know more? Please Contact us and discover how we can help you.

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  MOVEO CONSULTING SRL - Piazza Duomo, 65 - 27058 Voghera (PV)
P.IVA 02355330180 - Capitale sociale € 10000 interamente versato
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